Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Bad post title, I know.  But I couldn't think of anything else!


Once we completed our new dining room set, a wine rack/glass holder thingy that we have looked out of place, and I didn't like it anymore.

It looked heavy and awkward, and I wanted a change.

My husband scoured Craigslist and found this:

Apologies for the poor picture quality, my husband took it on his iPhone.  

Now, the picture we saw on Craigslist looked like it was in much better shape than it actually was, it also looked like it was real wood, but it isn't.  Serves me right not asking enough questions before buying it!

Oh well, we both feel we over-paid ($60) but we are both happy with the way it turned out.

My husband did his thing: sanded, minor repairs,  primed, painted and put on new hardware.  He's so talented.


Unfortunately, the doors didn't go back on the way they were supposed to, but you don't really notice it too bad.  The photo makes it look worse than it is.

Not too sure what I'm going to put in it yet, most likely my China, but for now its just random stuff.

I like the way it looks in the corner there.  It's a lot lighter looking, and is more practical storage-wise.

Yay for having a husband that can refinish stuff!!

I take absolutely no credit for this project, aside for saying that I wanted it painted white.  

My husband is amazing, and talented, and amazing.


  1. WOW! That is absolutely beautiful! Looks great in that space!

  2. hody crap that's awesome. Seriously too, the crown moulding in your place is BEAUTIFUL. I have some wicked envy.
